Your lymphatic system does not get much love these days, yet it is an extremely important part of your miraculous bodies. A great amount of people have now received the Covid-19 vaccine. This Covid-19 vaccine is highly effective in promoting an immune response and this immune response causes your lymph nodes to swell. It is a sign that your lymphatic system is working, but be aware of problems. The lymphatic system includes a network of vessels, ducts, and nodes, as well as organs and tissues that support the circulatory system. It filters out harmful substances from the bloodstream, such as bacteria and viruses. It also maintains the balance of fluid in the blood versus the tissues and facilitates absorption of fats and fat-soluble nutrients in the digestive system.

Lymphatic System

Lymphatic Stagnation and drainage problems:

You will know that you have a problem if you experience the following symptoms: Your rings get tight on your fingers, soreness/stiffness in the morning, feeling tired, bloated, itchy skin, water retention, breast swelling, dry skin, brain fog, cold hands and feet.

Lymphatic drainage problems that go unresolved for many years result in serious illness and the worst of them being lymphoma.

5 Strategies to help with stagnation or drainage issues

  1. Yoga: Helps restore the flow of lymph, particularly poses like twists, headstands, legs up the wall
  2. Massage: Lymphatic massage is a special type of massage that helps the flow of lymph in your body
  3. Rebounding: Rebounding is one of the easiest way to pump the lymph. It is basically jumping on a trampoline for 10 to 30 minutes.
  4. Herbs: Red clover, cleavers and bupleurum are a few well-known herbs to try, but check with a professional
  5. Dry Brushing: You simply take a dry brush with coarse bristles and brush the skin towards your heart. This stimulates the sweat glands, opens pores and encourage the movement of lymph and blood in organs and tissues, which helps clear built-up toxins.
  6. By getting a Functional Thermogram you can find out how your Lymphatic system is working for you and what you need to do to get better.