How to get rid of stuffy nose?

Winter is here, and we all know that nasal congestion is one of the most common illnesses that this season can bring with it. In fact, nasal congestion not only is a very common condition at this time of the year, but also during the rest of the year, and people can get stuffy nose, sinus infection, all year around due to allergies, viral infections and some routine habits.

Last week I traveled for the weekend from Dallas TX where it was 70 degree to New York city where isPicture5 was 18 degree. As you can imagine,  I ended up with hypothermia and a severe cold because I was not use to this low temperature. As you can see on this Thermography picture. The normal color of the sinuses should have been light blue but it is almost black.

Nasal congestion is caused by the swelling of the inflamed blood vessels of nose and sinuses, which may cause mucus drainage from time to time, resulting in a stuffy nose. Therefore, it is critical that we are aware of the treatments that can successfully relieve this condition. Here are some easy and quick remedies to get rid of stuffy nose:

  1. Hot showers are an excellent way to drain the stuffy nose and help one feel better. When one takes a hot shower, the steam from the shower enters the nasal area which in turn soothes the vessels, thereby reducing the swelling, and consequently draining the mucus out of the nose.
  1. Saline sprays can also provide an effective quick remedy for nasal congestion. As they do not contain any medication, they can be easily obtained off the shelf without any prescription and are very safe to use. They work by reducing the tissue inflammation within the nasal area.
  1. Sinuses are greatly affected by nasal congestion, and flushing them may help reduce the nasal congestion. For this purpose, people have been using special items called ‘neti pots’ for years, and today many saline solutions also help flush the mucus from the nostrils. These can be found in any supermarket today.
  1. A special technique called ‘the warm compress’ can also be very effective in removal of mucus from the nasal area, helping reduce the congestion. For this, one would require a cloth that is dipped in warm water, which is applied on the face for short intervals. However, make sure that the cloth is not too hot that it would burn your skin.

sinus , Shambhala WellnessOf course, having warm meals like soups and hot cocoa can be a fun way to shoo away any warning signs of ensuing stuffy nose, and enjoy the winter season too. Stuffy nose is a lot common than we usually think, and thankfully, there are just as many ways to prevent and cure it easily.

Johanna Oosterwijk N.D.