Perspiration is one of your body’s ways to rid itself of toxins that have accumulated, so it is healthy, but it can be quite a nuisance. Did you know that your body odor depends on a number of factors. It is influenced by things like stress, foods, medications you are taking, different medical conditions, hair growth and others. Deodorant/antiperspirant to the rescue. But have you ever wondered what ingredients are contained in the deodorant/antiperspirant you are putting on/into your armpits?

I am saying IN, because you are putting it INTO your body since your body absorbs it. Your armpits and your groin have the highest number of lymph nodes. Reading the label of traditional deodorants should be a warning sign. Look up the individual ingredients and you will find a cocktail of toxic chemicals that should not go near your breasts or anywhere on your body. They include aluminum, parabens, phthalates, triclosan, fragrances and many more.

Deodorants have been linked to lots of serious diseases lately. Do your own research and then decide.  Getting a Thermogram is a great, radiation-free way to get a picture of the current state of your lymphatic system using an Infrared device.

As for me, I have been using a natural, non-toxic deodorant for years with excellent results. You may need to experiment a bit with different ones until you find the one that works best for you, but it is worth the effort. Another option is to make your own. There are many recipes. Here is an easy one you might want to try: Mix 1/3 cup of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons baking soda (or less if you are sensitive), and 1/3 cup of arrow root powder in the small mixing bowl. Use the back of the spoon to help “cream” the ingredients until you have a consistency similar to a deodorant. Mix in 10 – 15 drops of essential oils. Try 10 drops sweet orange and 5 drops cinnamon. You are now ready for the heat, so bring it on!