It would be great if diseases gave us a warning while on their way. Imagine getting a friendly phone call from a concerned artery about incoming heart disease or receiving a mail from your pancreas to let you know about diabetes on the horizon. Wouldn’t this be nice? Fortunately, some of these chronic diseases present themselves with calling cards before the onset of the signs and symptoms. In such cases, the disease can be prevented and treated if the signs and symptoms persist.

What of breast cancer?

Many patients lose the battle against breast cancer because of failing to notice the early symptoms. It’s because the warning signs of this disease are not the same for all women. The reason is that everyone’s breasts are different, and the breast changes with age and at different times of the month. However, this does not mean there is nothing to look for.

There are risk factors that will help you to learn the signs and symptoms protect yourself from this disease. To know the risk factors, it is best to know what breast cancer is – a disease whereby a typical cell grows out of control most often in the ducts that carry the milk to the nipple or the glands that produce milk.

Apart from the routine tests that you can take to protect yourself from breast cancer, there are signs and symptoms that you can look for to know if breast cancer is on the horizon. Here are the most common signs and symptoms of breast cancer to watch out for;

  • The size and shape of the breast changing
  • A lump in the armpit, upper chest or breast
  • Persistent tenderness or breast pain that is unrelated to menstrual cycle
  • Changes in the skin texture such as dimpling or puckering of the skin of the breast
  • Changes in the color of the breast – breast may look inflamed or red
  • An inverted nipple which is a nipple that suddenly starts to point inwards
  • Discharge from the nipple when not nursing – the discharge could include blood
  • Rashes on the breast

The bottom line

It is vital to note that by the time you see or feel the above signs and symptoms, then the disease has already progressed. Therefore, don’t hesitate to discuss them with your doctor as some changes could be totally normal or be a sign of infection, cyst or eczema. The breast is part of your lymphatic system which travels through your whole body. Sometimes the disease is Not in the breast but other lymphatic organs such as the liver but part of this can be felt as a lump in your breast such as a cyst or closed lymph duct under your arm.

The final takeaway on the breast cancer warning signs is to stay up-to-date on your screenings and report any change in breast appearance, color, or size. A prompt doctor’s evaluation is pivotal to allaying your concerns or getting speeding treatment.