For Optimum Results, please avoid the following on the day of your Thermogram:

  • Heavy exercise
  • Spicy foods
  • Hot beverages
  • Body creams and lotions
  • Tight-fitting clothing

SIDE-NOTE: During the cooling period you are asked to undress, only keeping your underwear or boxer shorts on. After this we will do the second set of testing.

24-48 hours prior to appointment:

  • Refrain from use of homeopathic supplement and kava kava and other beta blockers.
  • No Alcohol beverages 24 hours prior to procedure
  • Refrain from therapeutic practice 36 hours prior to test. This includes acupuncture, bio-energetic treatments, therapeutic massage, and chiropractic treatments.

Day of your Thermogram appointment:

Come to appointment wearing comfortable, loose fitting clothing that can be easily removed. Wear long-sleeved button-up shirt and long pants, even if the weather is hot or humid. Avoid synthetic fibers and light clothing. Do NOT wear a bra or remove at least 15 minutes prior to test.

  • Eat a light breakfast.
  • Do not take any prescription medications before the testing.
  • Do not shower or bathe the morning of the test. You may brush your teeth and use deodorant
  • Do not use body sprays, skin creams or lotions. They may interfere with the testing.
  • Do not drink coffee, black tea (caffeine) or smoke cigarettes.  A light breakfast is ok, nothing hot.
  • Men should not shave the day of appointment. – We cannot measure teeth if you have a mustache or beard.
  • Come hydrated; Drink 12-16 ounce of room temperature water ½-2 hours before the test.
  • No exercise, sauna, etc. the day of Thermogram exam.
  • Women cannot be tested during the first or second day of the menstrual period.
  • Arrive 15-20 minutes before appointment so your body has a change to relax before you are tested.
  • Remove your glasses when you get into the office as there are sinus points on the nose to be tested.
  • Turn off cellphone during appointment because electromagnetic radiation affects the nervous system.

test preparation